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Mylena Oliveira
Representation II
Architectural Representation II is an intermediate studio-based class developed on the purpose to investigate and test the potency of one of the most fundamental representation systems in architecture - imagery making or the “realistic” representation of “unbuilt” architectural design - as a possible method for designing and thinking architecture. The objective of the class is to introduce the students to modes of architectural representation that can become methods of designing and thinking architecture.
Course: Architecture Representation II
Professor: Tom Bessai
Duration: 1 term (5 months)
2nd year course, Fall/2014.
Base Image
Credit N/A
Part A: Perspective guide lines
Iteration 1
Final Image
2014_10_24_project 3_base image
2014_10_24_project 3_iteration 1
2014_10_24_project 3_iteration 2
2014_10_25_project 3_day final
2014_10_25_project3_iteration 1 night
2014_10_25_project3_iteration 2 night
2014_10_25_project3_final image night
2014-10-05_Base Image_final_PDF
2014-10-05_Iteration 1-final_PDF
2014-10-05_Iteration 2_final_PDF
2014-10-05_Iteration 3_final_PDF
2014-10-05_Iteration 4_final_PDF
2014-10-05_final image_final_PDF
iteration plans
plan of the model
section elevation
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